Remover - 10 litre
Looking to get rid of unsightly, stubborn green infestations around your garden and the exterior of your home?
Green Terminator Remover works on any hard surface. Whether you are looking to treat tarmac, paving blocks, your patio or other small areas, our 10 litre container is the ideal product to clear your surface and is safe to use around pets and children.
Same Day Dispatch Information
Orders placed on our online store before 11:00 Monday-Friday are dispatched on an express (1-3 working days) service. Most same day dispatches arrive the next working day, but some postcode exemptions apply.
About Green Terminator
Green Terminator Remover and Inhibitor are powerful solutions the get rid of all green infestations effectively on any hard surface, such as garden paths, driveways, roofs, tennis courts and playgrounds.
Green Terminator is close to neutral on the pH scale and uses an organic acid that is just as effective as acidic solutions, but much less harmful. Green Terminator is child and pet friendly, but be careful around your grass and plants - it's strong!
Wondering which product you need?
Many of our customers use Remover as a first-action solution and top up annually with Inhibitor to keep the green infestations at bay year-round.